Saturday, September 25, 2010

Saturday at Sea World

Daddy and I had hoped we could fit in another trip to Sea World especially since we didn't have time on our last trip into San Antonio. So after we all woke up, Nonna made us a delicious breakfast of waffles and sausage. Then, we got dressed, got our things ready and drove to Sea World. Upon entering the park, we come to find out the water park was closed for the season (guess we missed that little tidbit of information on the website). We were so disappointed, especially Andrew, but luckily, he didn't fuss about it at all.

We had some time before the shows started so we had to find something to pass the time where Andrew would have fun and not get too bummed out about the water park. We walked to a playground where Andrew had fun climbing and sliding. Before we knew it, it was time to head over to the first show.

We walked over to watch A Sea Lion Story. Andrew liked seeing the sea lions and other animals. I wish I could have listened more and found out why sea lions and seals are different, but only heard a few of the facts since I was paying more attention to Andrew and making sure he stayed hydrated. We actually left the show to make our way to Shamu Stadium since the show was starting soon. Lots of other people had the same idea too.

When we arrived at the stadium, it was pretty packed and there wasn't a whole of room left except for lots in the splash zones. I hadn't really wanted to sit there because I didn't want to get wet, but also because I didn't know how Andrew would handle it. We warned him that we would probably get wet and I gave him our beach towel just in case (might as well use it since we had it already). I was also worried about my camera, but just put it away when the time came for us to get splashed. Anyways, Andrew loved the show. He even waved his arms up and down like the trainers told us too. He even started to chant "Shamu! Shamu!" It was so cute!! He ended up a tad wet and Daddy a little more and Mommy barely any at all. ;) And he was totally cool with it. We made it seem fun to have gotten wet and he thought it was too!

So, we decided to call it a day and headed home for lunch and a nap. We had a great time even though it was a short trip and without a visit to the water park. Oh well, just means we will have to come back another day!! Andrew so wants to come back!

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