Friday, March 30, 2012

NYC Day 2: Sony Technology Labs

I had originally planned to take Andrew to a show today, but discovered that there were no matinees on Fridays. Bummer! But we ended up going to the Sony Technology Labs and it worked out great because we were able to meet up with Daddy for lunch.

Many of the things at the museum were over his head, but we still had fun. Andrew loved the part where you could control your own robot and playing some of the video games especially a racing game.

This afternoon, I had planned on taking Andrew to the Roosevelt Island Tramway, but he ended up taking a two hour plus nap so we didn't have time to go. Instead, we ended up walking to big Toys R Us in Times Square.

Then, we were going to meet up with Vinaya down by her place. Daddy was supposed to be having dinner at the conference, but it wasn't that great so he, Steven, and Lee were going to join us. We all took the subway down to Union Square, which Andrew totally loved by the way! And we all met up with Vinaya for some Vietnamese food at Saigon Market. I was too busy eating and talking that I forgot to take pictures at dinner. Boo for me!

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