Thursday, March 22, 2012

International Partio

This evening, Daddy invited us up to Rice for International Partio. Partio is basically a party on the patio outside the Jones School where they normally serve some food and beverages for the students and faculty to unwind and socialize. But International Partio is much more special because the groups of students can show off their culture and some of their distinctive cuisine.

When James was back in school, International Partio was a big deal, but now it is way more of a bigger deal. All the groups decorated their tables more elaborately and offered a crazy amount of food and drink. Also, there was entertainment. There was a dunking booth to raise money for a charity as well as a show which showcased all the different cultures such as a lion dance and flamenco dancers.

We ate so much food!! It was amazing getting to sample all kinds of foods from different cuisines. As for Andrew, he feasted on a quite a bit of food, but really enjoyed eating dumplings, Asian noodles, and a hot dog. For dessert, he even got some brownies and a little cup of gelato.

We all enjoyed watching the show and really liked the dunking booth even wanting to help retrieve the balls with some older kids.

I didn't take many pictures because we were having too much fun, but I did take this photo with my cell phone of Andrew outside as we were watching the dunking booth.

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