Sunday, March 13, 2011

Nathan Burton Comedy Magic Show

This evening, Ngoai and I took the four kids to the Nathan Burton Comedy Magic Show at the Flamingo Hotel while Aunt Anh Thu went to work for a couple of hours. Anh Thu had asked if I thought Andrew would want to go. I told her I wasn't sure because we never know what Andrew might get scared of, e.g. the circus. But there weren't many shows that allowed kids under the age of five and she had gotten the tickets for free so if we needed to leave, we could without too much guilt.

I had told Andrew we were going to watch a magic show and he was excited. The kids were excited too. We got seated (way up high, but hey, they were free, right?) and waited for the show to began. Andrew had a hard time sitting in the chair and seeing so he spent most of the show in my lap so he could see better. I also think it helped him to sit with me to ease any fears he had. I asked him if he liked it and he would reply yes, but then would tell me that he was all done. I told him to watch a little more. He did laugh and clap at certain tricks, but I think some of the tricks were over his head. One thing he loved and kept on talking about was the policeman who was flushed down the toilet. The three big kids seemed to like the show especially Brennan who laughed and clapped almost the entire time.

The show was a lot longer than I thought it was going to be. The show was over two hours!! I had guessed an hour and a half. But he had other performers do acts as well. But Andrew sat nicely and behaved well. I was proud that he did so great for that long of a time.

I didn't take any pictures while we were out for the show. :( But here is another picture from this morning.

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