Monday, March 14, 2011

Andrew and Brennan

Andrew and Brennan have had a great time playing with one another during our visit. Of course, there are lots of times where they fight over toys. Andrew seems to always want what Brennan has and Brennan isn't always willing to share with his little cousin. But that's to be expected.

One thing they have been really good about sharing and playing together is Brennan's tricycle. A few times, Ngoai and I have taken the kids on walks and it's perfect for Andrew because he can sit and pedal and I can push him from behind to help him.

But this evening, the boys took turns riding and pushing each other. Of course, the big boy that Brennan is wanted to push Andrew as fast as he could even if Andrew's little legs couldn't keep up with the pedalling at times. It was hysterical!!

Even with all the fighting and swiping, these are the kind of moments when they get along well that make my heart swell with complete and utter love. I love these two boys so much and love seeing them play together.

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