Thursday, December 23, 2010

Uncle Ed

Tonight, we had dinner with Uncle Ed like we have done so many times before. But tonight was a little different. It was the last time we would have dinner with him as a Texas resident. Ed has taken a job for Shell in San Diego and is leaving tomorrow. I write with such mixed emotions because I am so happy for him because he is getting to go home to California which is what he really wants, but I am so sad because we are going to miss him so much! But luckily for us, his new job will entail him travelling back to Houston every now and again. So, his departure is a little easier to take!

And I know that Daddy and I are not the only ones going to miss Uncle Ed. Andrew has become so fond of him and he looks forward to our dinners as well. One night, I told Andrew we were going out to eat and he looked at me and asked "Uncle Ed?" It was so sweet.

Uncle Ed actually stayed the night with us tonight because the movers packed up all this stuff today. I got this great picture of him with Andrew.

We love you, Uncle Ed! Congratulations on your new job and your new endeavors in San Diego! See you soon!

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