Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy 33rd Month Birthday

The big 3-3! Andrew continues to grow and learn--still amazing both James and I constantly! Andrew is such a little boy ever so playful and full of energy.

He loves to go outside especially to ride bikes. He is getting better at pedalling, but still likes to use his feet to propel him since that moves him faster. Andrew gets slowed down on hills and doesn't like to have to work to pedal uphill. He has gotten much better about steering as well.

Drew loves jigsaw puzzles especially the Thomas ones we got him a few weeks ago. He can finish the whole twenty-piece one by himself. And he's is once again interested in the Thomas floor puzzle we got him a while back. I love it when he does it and says when the pieces "go right here".

The trackmaster is getting even better at putting together train tracks and loves to make these crazy long trains to go "all around". He can even figure which track pieces he needs to make two ends connect. It's pretty impressive.

His favorite books are now Born to a Longhorn and Hello, Hook 'Em. And he still loves Max & Ruby books and shows. We have made a conscious effort to decrease the amount of television Andrew watches. We have gone a few days here and there without it. If we keep Andrew busy and occupied, he doesn't ask for it as much. Typically, he wants to watch it when he wakes up from sleeping. And more often than not, his first choice is Max & Ruby. Andrew will sometimes laugh out loud at the things Max does--probably because those two boys are so similar!

During bath, Andrew still loves making Jamba Juice and has added cupcakes to the mix. He is starting to learn which other tablets make other colors (besides yellow and blue making green). And we usually have to try to sway him from wanting green water.

Andrew is very much into climbing. He will climb in and out of tub and on and off the toilet. Before he would use his step stool and more recently, he will go without it. And not to mention, there is the other things he will climb...couches, chairs, tables, beds, whatever he can. He doesn't seem to be scared of heights or realize how dangerous it can be.

Drew can count up to ten and is singing even more of the alphabet. He is also improving with letter and number recognition. We still have a lot to do and we need to make a more dedicated effort to work on it with him. We still sing the alphabet while Andrew brushes his teeth, which has contributed a lot to what Andrew already knows. But Andrew's favorite song for a while was Justin Bieber's Baby. But luckily, the coveted spot of favorite tune was quickly replaced with The Eyes of Texas. Andrew also loves Texas Fight too! Another new favorite is Down by the Station. Andrew is singing a lot of the words in songs, but does tend to skip some of the little words like articles and prepositions.

Our future Longhorn is bleeding some serious burnt orange lately, which makes Daddy and Mommy so proud!! He will "hook horns" at will and can even do it with both hands. And one day, we were in the car with Ngoai in League City. Andrew asked me to play The Eyes of Texas on the iPod to which I most happily oblige. Andrew proceeds to say "Horns up, Ngoai." It was so priceless!

As for school, Andrew definitely likes is much more and is used to the routine. He will carry his bags in and put up his things like he is supposed to. His favorite still seems to be going to the playground, but also really enjoys music, motor, and chapel. His teachers say he is great about following along especially with the songs. And he constantly asks me if school is "open" or "ready" {for him to come}.

In terms of eating, Andrew pretty much still loves the old standbys of pizza, alfredo, dim sum, and Chick Fil A. When we ask him, he said alfredo, dim sum, and then pizza in that order as his top choices. He has really started to like eating eggs and toast. He will want me to make a egg sandwich like how I normally eat it. Our little sous chef loves to help make waffles and is pretty good about pouring ingredients into the mixing bowl. Andrew has been recently introduced to crepes and Nutella, which he likes quite a bit just like his folks! Drew still loves eating fruit especially grapes since blueberries are out of season. His favorite after school snacks are cupcakes, Yogurtland (where he still gets the green pistachio yogurt with chocolate chips, blueberries, and sprinkles), Jamba Juice, and ice cream (also in his preferred order). Andrew is eating so much better and eating lots more than before. He will sit down nice for entire meals sometimes and has improved table etiquette. Andrew can put down some serious night he had five bowls of Alfredo and another night, he had four bowls of spaghetti.

Our little man can be such a little jokester at times--sometimes intentionally and other times, unintentionally. His sense of humor totally cracks us up, especially how it can come out of nowhere or without precedent. For example, one morning when Andrew came into our bed, he saw my exposed tummy and zerbitted my belly and then says "Daddy fart". And he loves to tell us that drink and food end up as pee pee and poo poo (another one of those great contributions from Daddy!)

Andrew's speech has come such a long way this past month and we are thrilled. Andrew is improving on his pronunciation including the final consonants on words as well as talking in sentences (stringing together several words). He is also getting so much better about using subject and verbs in his sentences. We are still going to speech therapy every week and have been focusing on working with Andrew to pronounce the final consonants of words.

With all the sicknesses and health issues, Andrew is very much aware of his health and how we worry about it. Now, Andrew will tell us, "Andrew feel better." And more recently, he will say, "Andrew feel better. Mama happy." Yes, my darling, Mama is so happy when you feel better! And then, he will also ask, "Mama feel better?" as to my foot. Since we have had a few doctor appointments recently, we know that Andrew is about three feet tall and over thirty pounds now.

And speaking of health issues, Andrew's coughing and vomitting has both decreased significant amounts with the allergy medicine he is taking (he's still taking Singulair, the Qvar inhaler, and the Veramyst nasal spray). And James and I are so ecstatic about the progress we have seen as of late. Hopefully, this means we are even closer to getting Andrew completely healthy.

We and his teachers have been working on Andrew's independence. He's grown up so much this last month. He is doing more things for himself and doing lots of things better. He is better about dressing and undressing himself especially taking off his shoes and socks. He feeds himself at the table better. He drinks from cups without spilling (for the most part). He was always pretty good about cleaning up, but he's improved on that too especially after bath time where he cleans up his bath toys on his own without us asking him. And our favorite, he puts himself to night night. He still will come out of his room and ask for us or ask us to come upstairs, but he's been pretty good about putting himself down for the most part. And then when he awakens, he will sometimes just call out "wake up" and walk out of the room without crying. And now, he will say, "I do it" or "I get it" and doesn't want any help from anyone!

He is getting better about peeing in the potty. Andrew will even tell us when he wants to go pee versus us asking or telling him too. He loves to get rewards for doing it too usually choosing candy and tattoos (trains would just have been too expensive).

Andrew still tries to negotiate/stall and requests "two more minutes" almost all the time. And after those two minutes are up, he will sometimes ask for "one more minute." He likes it when I used the timer on the microwave or my cell phone to make it more official. He tends to be more agreeable to move onto whatever we need him to when he hears the buzzer go off.

And unfortunately, Andrew is not the most patient of people. To him, it's all about "right now." We hear it constantly. He wants to go to "school right now." He will want to "eat night now." Or if we tell him we are going to go somewhere or do something, he will ask to do it "right now". When Andrew acts up, he usually knows he did something wrong. And when he goes to timeout, he knows he has to stay there for two minutes to which he likes to have the timer set. But lately, he is much more affected by how upset I get. He will say "Mama happy." But I have to explain to him that I will be happy if he listens and behaves. He's a funny little guy!!

Speaking of funny, I mentioned earlier about Andrew making us laugh all the time. Well, we had one of the biggest laughs about a week ago. One night, Daddy thought he would try to show Andrew how to play Wii bowling (I will have to get a video of it soon). And since Andrew has been introduced to the world of video gaming, we knew it would only be a matter of time before he was hooked. Well, it may have happened sooner than we thought. One night when we had put Andrew in the tub, Daddy went to go finish his basketball game on the Playstation. Somehow, Andrew catches sight of this and hops out of the tub by himself, streaks across our room, grabs a controller, hops into the chair, and says "Andrew play [with] Daddy" all while still being naked! I snapped these pictures on my camera phone, but didn't post them earlier because we weren't sure about putting pictures of Andrew naked online. But we blurred out any questionable areas even though in the original pictures, nothing really could be seen anyway.

And the last two videos clips from this past month is Andrew singing Down by the Station and him playing with one of his ridiculously long trains.

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