Monday, September 24, 2012

Happy 55th Month Birthday

Today, Andrew is the big 5-5!

We are still playing Junior Monopoly, but it's less frequent. I think Andrew is just tired of beating me all the time!! He truly wins most of the time and there is no letting up on my part and trying to let him win. He likes to tell me "maybe this time you win". We still like to play the longer version with more money to start out and the extra pot for Free Time. And he still tries to give me money if I am losing, which I am very proud of him for his empathy.

As for his favorite things to watch, Transformer Rescue Bots is by far his absolute favorite on TV. He still chooses to watch Curious George on Netflix when he is doing his nebulizer. He is asking to watch a lot more TV than we would like so we are trying to make a conscious effort to limit how much he is watching. One time when we were at Target, he was checking out the clearance DVDs and found one with Scooby Doo and Batman. Of course, he asked to buy it and I obliged. Well, it's his favorite DVD right now and asks if we can watch it for movie night all the time.

He still watches a little bit of Looney Tunes, but we are curbing it a bit. And rightfully so after he starting saying "Shoot me now!" We talked to him how that is not a nice thing to say. But he also started saying "What's up, Doc?" which is much better.

In terms of toys he plays with, he spends a lot of time playing with his Rescue Bots. He has Heat Wave and Bumble Bee. He wants all of them, but that will come in due time. When he is pretending, he even says "Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue!" and "Transform!"

Andrew also likes to pretend he is a pirate on the seven seas in search of treasure. He still likes to make the couches his ships and he almost always draws a treasure map. He also started pretending he is a puppy. I think this comes from school. He once told me that he was playing with Lorelei and Jillian and he was their puppy. He likes to do simple dog things such as fetch balls, roll over, and sleep.

James and Andrew are still playing Batman Brave and the Bold. They have beaten the game a few times over, but Andrew likes starting from the beginning and going through it all again. He is still improving on his gaming skills. And for some reason, he decided that he wanted to rebuild all his LEGOs that weren't put together. It's been a daunting project, but we are making headway.

His reading is coming along. He is able to read more of the BOB books and words in his other books. His choice books that he likes for us to read to him are still super hero books and the Berenstein Bears books. He also asking again for the longer Curious George stories.

As far as his drawings, Andrew draws much more super heroes nowadays. The one he draws the most is probably Batman complete with a bat symbol on his chest. He also adds in the Batsignal, Batcave, Batwing, and/or Batmobile. He also adds in Robin and puts an "R" in his cape or uniform. There have been a few times he draws the Batcave with an armoire type thing to house the uniforms for Batman and Robin as well as beds for them. Andrew also draws Superman with the "S" on his chest and cape and Green Lantern with his ring. But he still draws his fair share of trains, fire trucks, airplanes, and any other motor vehicle he can.

Andrew has been talking a lot about Halloween, Christmas, and his birthday. He started out wanting to be Superman then Batman then Heatwave. After the Heatwave costume fiasco, he says that he will go as Bumblebee. He likes to look at things and consider them for Christmas or his birthday. He remembers that he only gets to ask Santa for one gift. So, he will then ask for other presents for his birthday. The larger set of LEGOs is usually in consideration for Christmas.

Our avid traveler is stoked about our upcoming trip to Korea. He was so happy when we got his passport in and he talks about the "long flight" that I have been trying to mentally prepare him for. He does still talk about going to NYC, LEGOLand, and Cars Land. But I have told him those will have to wait! And now, he added Corpus Christi to the list because of how much fun he had while we were there. He still talks about the Lexington and says he wants to stay at the same hotel.

One time, he was on the iPad and I heard Skype dialing. Sure enough, he had opened up the app, saw that my dad was online, and initiated a video call. He told me that "I just want to call Papa because I miss him."

Andrew is still loving school. He was saying he was in kindergarten, but now he correctly says he's in Pre K. His main buddy at school is Soumodip. Every day when I pick him up and asked about his day, he says they play super heroes when outside. For about a week, he told me that Soumodip was regular Batman, Nicholas was water Batman (meaning he had a Batboat), and he was Snow Batman (meaning he had a Bat snowmobile). There are some days where he changes which super hero he is and chooses something like Green Lantern or Superman. And when inside, he spends most of his time in the Blocks center.

We had had some discussions with his teachers about some misbehaving at school. Apparently, a lot of the boys like to dog pile and wrestle. We have been told that Andrew doesn't initiate either one, but will join in. Also, our little socialite gets sad when his friends don't want to play with him. And not just at school. So we have talked to him before and have to talked to him again in the context of school about what to do when his friends don't feel like playing with him. We talked to him about giving people their space and either finding someone else to play with or play by himself.

Also, he is really enjoying science with Ms. Ford. I think it might be his most favorite part of the school week. But he still also likes Cooking Wednesday, which is the equivalent to Super Tuesdays from last year.

He still isn't napping so much at school. Maybe once every two weeks will he end up falling asleep. So, he just goes to bed earlier now. But every blue moon, when he's tired, he will nap at school.

Andrew still chooses t-shirts over polo knits and I figure that this is how it is going to be from here on out. Also, he has been wearing his Lightning McQueen shoes because they light up versus his Spider-man or shark tennis shoes.

His favorite foods are still thit nuong, pizza, and CFA chicken sandwiches. But he asks for more Thai food and he now has added pad thai and tom yum gai soup to his repertoire besides the fried rice and sesame beef. Andrew is also eating a lot more grapes and apple slices.

For lunch at school, he likes to bring grilled cheese sandwiches. I got these sandwich cutters at Pottery Barn Kids with a transportation theme so he likes those a lot. He is also bringing pepperoni, cheese cubes, and crackers for lunch too. I still pack him PB&Js and pizza Lunchables.

He also likes to tell us "I like a little bit spicy" and asks for Ngoai's sauce, which is that mixture of soy sauce, water, and sugar. He also asks for Olive Garden and Texas Roadhouse.

Every time we go to League City, he asks if we are going to spend the night. He will offer up that we go on a date and he stay down there.

Some of the things he says lately include "Okay!!!", "Aww, man!", "That's my bad", and "I'm going to be good." When he burps or farts, he will tell us "Excuse me, I burped/farted". Andrew also says "I am so sorry", "Can I hug you?", and "I am hugging you so tight". My favorite is "I love you so much" or "I love you soooo muccchhh!" He loves to tell us that "we haven't been there in a while" to reiterate that we should go there.

Andrew's sentences are becoming even more complex and with more description. He will say things like "We are going to school right now" or "I got this morning when you told me" or like when he likes to give instructions to things.

Andrew still enjoys swimming. He told us one time "I love Rice because they have a pool and buses". But he really likes swimming there. He also asked me to buy him a life jacket so he can swim in the lap pool.

There have been a few times when he has told us that he misses the Olympics. We talked to him about the winter Olympics coming up in two years, but that's like forever in kid time. And most times when we are watching sports, he will ask who the Americans are.

Sometimes, I find him quiet and I ask what he is thinking. And sometimes, it is just whatever we are doing. But there have been a few times now that he has said "I'm just sad because I'm thinking about Matthew" and this is usually at night when he is in his bed.

I don't have any pictures of Andrew from today, but here are some back from Gavin's party and one of his drawings of construction vehicles.

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