Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Yogurtland with the Cousins

This afternoon, we had not one, but three babysitters. The twins and Vanna came over to help watch Andrew; and we decided to take a little excursion to Yogurtland. They were featuring some Sanrio merchandise and had a window sticker you could pose for pictures with. The twins love Sanrio so they wanted a photo with Andrew.

The First Day of School 2011-2012

Goodness gracious! Andrew started his second year of school this morning! I still can't get over it.

He was a little hesitant like he was at the class visit, but after a little bit of coaxing, he went to go play cars on the rug with the other boys. And he didn't cry as I was leaving, so I was happy about that.

The first week is early dismissal for the kids so I picked up Andrew at noon. When I got there, Mr. Sanchez was reading to the kids. The teachers said he did great.

Since I didn't get good pictures of him at drop off, I took him to one of the gardens outside the school to take a few more pictures.

Here's to a wonderful school year!

Monday, August 29, 2011

I Wear My Sunglasses

He found these in a drawer and put them on immediately. He is putting his thumbs up like Fireman Sam. So stinking cute!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Morning Walk

Andrew decided he want to go along with Ngoai on her morning walk. Of course, Papa had to come along.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Classroom Visit

Today, Andrew has his classroom visit for his new class for the upcoming school year. We met his new teachers, Mr. Sanchez and Ms. Edgett. They seem really cool and fun; and to be honest, I am curious and excited to see how Andrew fairs with a male teacher since he's all boy.

Andrew was a little tentative at first, but slowly got more and more comfortable. He was very interested in checking out the toys around the classroom. And while we were there, we also saw Paige from last year's class so he will have a familiar face in class this year. They even did some art together.

I can't believe he's about to start his second year of school!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Matty Bear

Andrew and his Matty Bear at nap today. Makes my heart melt. And yes, it is our bed...he really wanted to sleep there today.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Happy 42nd Month Birthday

Another month has come and gone quickly. Some things that Andrew has been doing the past month are as follows:

Andrew has been talking more and more and his vocabulary continues to expand. He constantly keeps us laughing with some of the things that come out of his mouth. For instance, one morning, we were about to turn on the TV and usually, he asks for a cartoon. But I guess Daddy has been watching a lot of financial shows because our financier in the making states as a matter of factly, "I watch the market!?". Our attorney in the making is trying out his negotiating skills as well. When I offer something, he will try to counteroffer like "one more minute?" and proceed to tell me "that's fair" or ask "How about that?" Drew has also thrown out "Let's talk about it." This kid cracks me up!

Andrew says "okayyy", but it comes out more like "otayyy". He likes to answer questions with "mmm hmm", but we are reiterating "yes, please" and "no, thank you". He is doing great in terms of asking for things politely. Sometimes on his own, he will ask "may I.....please?" whether it be asking to have something or do something.

He's also my little watchman telling me "Watch for cars in the road. Don't crash into cars!" as well as "Mom, wear your seat belt!" He does call me "Mom" pretty much all the time now. Which might be an improvement of his calling his father by "James...Daddy!"

Drew's sentences are getting longer and more complex. He loves to tell us things in a series especially in regards to what we should do, what he wants to do, where we should go, or what we should eat. And he will also interject with "maybe" this or that.

His favorite question to ask us is probably still "Why?" but "You play with me?" is quickly catching up!

Lately, his favorite things to play is LEGOs. He loves building the things from the instructions, but he's been spending more time doing free form building usually building cars, trains, fire trucks, airplanes, and boats.

Andrew has been watching more and more Fireman Sam especially on youtube of my phone. He also knows how to work my phone to play a train game and Angry Birds. His favorite stories to read are from the Disney Collection. We will pick out one to read before bedtime and he is agreeable to getting only one story since they are longer than most of the books we read him.

He has enjoyed watching some more feature length films with his favorites are probably Peter Pan and The Jungle Book and loves the songs Following the Leader and Bare Necessities. Oh, and he loves the Katy Perry song Last Friday Night and sings along when she sings the letters T.G.I.F.

Some of his favorite things to do include going to McDonald's...sad, I know. He still loves going to the pool and is making great strides on swimming. Andrew still loves going down to my parents' house and asks all the time to spend the night there. He even asks for Ngoai and Papa to babysit him!! Heck yeah! He also asks to go back to Austin, Las Vegas, and Mickey's house, which is what he calls Disneyland.

My sweet boy isn't too keen on my going back to work, but is understanding it more and more. He knows that if I am working from home that I can't play with him and he has to wait until after I am done with my work.

Andrew is getting better about dressing himself. He loves to tell us what we have taught him "tag in the back!"

He's been okay going down for night night. He still sleeps on the floor, but every now and then will sleep on his bed. Maybe one reason he is sleeping on the floor is because there is not enough room in his bed with all the stuffed animals, blankets, and pillows that he insists on sleeping with. The fighter still tries to stall by yelling out "I love you" to us or coming out and saying that "I want to hug you" or "I want to kiss you". Additionally, he puts on more of a fight about napping asking to take a "short nap". But he ends up sleeping a good while anyways.

In terms of potty training, he has had more accidents lately. He will tell us that the pee came out too fast and he couldn't make it to the toilet. But he is doing better and we have tried to encourage him by allowing him to earn TV time by staying dry and being good when going to bed.

AJ is still eating about the same things. But his favorites right now are definitely "asian noodles" as he calls them. He loves the one from the Japanese eatery in Baybrook mall, but will eat them just about anywhere. He still enjoys his Italian noodles of course too! He is also big into these fruit jellies from the Asian market. It's funny seeing him suck it out of the little container they come in. For breakfast, he likes to request pancakes and waffles and always asks to put chocolate chips in them. And another favorite thing about Ngoai's and Papa's house is that they give him chocolate covered almonds and sometimes, right before bedtime. Talk about spoiling their grandson!

Our little guy has continued to be such a trooper after losing of his little brother. He still asks about him and will tell us "I miss Matthew" sometimes out of the blue. He nearly always asks to pray for Matthew after we say the "Our Father" at bedtime. And his favorite stuffed animal to sleep with is Matty Bear.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Andrew's Lion

Andrew drew this lion all by himself today on the magna doodle. I love how he used the stamp to make the nose.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

One Month

It's been one month since Matthew came into this world and went to Heaven. It's probably been the hardest month that we have ever been through--not probably, definitely. There are days like today where I feel like I am constantly on the brink of tears and any moment, I will lose it. Some days I handled better than others; and others, I don't handle very well at all.

I didn't fair too well last night seeing Andrew dote on Brandon especially when he said he wanted to "pat" him and he was going "to teach him" how to play with some toys. It pains me to know that Andrew won't be able to love on Matthew like that and be the big brother that I wanted him to be.

And then when we were at Mylen's birthday party, everything was fine. But at the end of the party, Andrew grabbed two favor bags and I told him he could only have one. He pointed out that Liya herself had two bags. I just quickly retorted "she has one for her brother." And Andrew quickly replies "I want one for my brother too." I lost it.

I try not to cry in front of Andrew everytime he talks about Matthew for fear that he will be scared to talk about him thinking it will always make me sad. He will bring him up every now and then and will tell us he misses Matthew or ask if Matthew is an angel now.

There have been times when I can talk about Matthew and not cry or get upset, but there are times, I am not strong enough to keep my composure.

I keep thinking to myself that I should still be pregnant and getting ready for our son to come instead of losing him a month ago. Then, I will think of how our lives would be if we had Matthew at home with us. Even this blog posting would be very different. I would be writing of things he would be doing and all the new experiences we would be having.

So far, there have been two genenic tests run, both of which have come normal. I just went in last week to give another blood sample for another test which is going to be ran in addition to one more. After that, we'll see what happens. Part of me was a little disappointed of the results. Part of me thinks that at least we would have some answers if it was genetic. But the other part of me doesn't want it to be so I don't keep thinking that it's something between us that caused it and could happen again if we try again. Just lots of mixed feelings every which way.

Matthew, my sweet baby boy, I miss you so much. My arms feel empty not being able to hold you. There is a gaping hole in my heart. I love your dad and brother so much; and I am so grateful for them. But I still feel like a part of our family is missing. I love you so very much.

I have included below Matthew's announcements and thank you cards that my cousin, Thuy, so beautifully made for us. Thuy, we can't thank you enough for all that you have done in helping us remember our son.

And also, thank you to Thuy and Anh who were at the hospital that night by our side. Moreover, thank you, Monica, for being there for us this past week and helping with Andrew. We can't thank you all enough.

The verses on the announcement and thank you cards are:

I prayed for this child.
The Lord answered my prayer and gave him to me.
Now I give him back to the Lord.
He will belong to the Lord all his life.

1 Samuel 27:28

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Matthew 5:4

Josh's 4th and Brendon's 1st Birthday Party

Today was Josh's 4th and Brendon's 1st birthday party. It ended up being a beautiful day to have a party--a little rain storm earlier in the day didn't damper the festivities! Anh and Richard had rented a big bouncer with an obstacle course and big slide, which was a huge hit with the kids including Andrew. Right when we arrived, he wanted to go in with Josh.

Aunt Anh has also put goodies on the tables for the kids. Ally, Nathan, Josh, and Andrew were all about spinning the tops on the floor. Later, we did a scavenger hunt for insects (for The Very Hungry Caterpiller theme for Brendon) and bananas (for Josh's theme of going bananas for trains). Andrew got to keep the insects and insect holder and got to pick out a prize. He picked a Very Hungry Caterpiller game.

After, it was back to the bouncey house. I don't know how many times Andrew went through that thing. It was cute because the kids then decided they wanted to go down the slide together. And then it was funny because at least one kid would end up sliding down before the others!

Then, it was time for cake! It was a pefect ending to a great party! Josh and Brendon, we love you so much! Happy Birthday to you both!


Andrew's fascination with LEGOs keeps growing and growing; and we totally approve. He's getting better at putting them together per to the instructions with some assistance from an adult and also creating things on his own from his own imagination--like trains and cars. He could play them for hours and hours.

Daddy and Andrew put together his fuel tanker together earlier today.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Brandon's 1st Birthday Party

Tonight, we drove up with Ngoai and Papa to the Spring area in north Houston to go to Uncle Thuan's house for dinner celebrating Brandon's 1st birthday. It was our first time meeting him so it was a great way for introductions to the little guy.

We had fun getting to catch up with the twins, Steven and James, and also Thuy and Phi who were in attendance as well.

Happy 1st Birthday, Brandon! Here's to many, many more!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


After seeing Sabrina and Jenny at Mylen's party, we talked about getting together one afternoon for a playdate before school officially started (since most of our kids were in summer camps anyhow). Luckily, we were able to schedule one for this afternoon at Wonderwild.

We were running late because of Andrew's nap; and sadly, Sabrina had to leave early because Liya wasn't feeling well at all. So, we didn't get too much time with her. But we stayed and played with Palmer for a good while. The boys loved running around together doing the jumping pillow, LEGOs, train, and playscape. It was a terrific way to run off some energy!

The Sitters

I was lucky in that my cousin Anh, or affectionly known as 5, could help watch Andrew while I am working. And we have had some extra help in that Be Ba, 6, and Vanna will come over to hang out too. Andrew loves his cousins and they are so sweet to him. I can't express the relief in knowing that Andrew is well cared for. He is so spoiled by all his babysitters!

5 was trying to put Andrew down for nap this afternoon; and he was adamant about sleeping downstairs. Sure enough, they fell asleep in the living room. It makes me smile how Andrew is sleeping immersed in the couch pillows.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Potty Humor?!

This morning, we had a play date at Josh's house. And Andrew and Josh start drawing on the easel. He starts by drawing a fire truck. No big deal, right? But then, he comes up to me and says, "he pooped". I first thought that he was talking about himself. But sure enough, I check out his drawing--and he drew some guy with some poop!! We couldn't stop laughing.

FYI, the first photo is him when he figured out how to take pictures of himself on my cell phone on the drive to their house. My crazy kid, but I love him!