Saturday, June 18, 2011

HMNS with Nonna and Stephanie

So after our game, we headed back to the house and visited with Nonna and Stephanie. Before Andrew's nap, we wanted to take Stephanie somewhere and offered up some options, but no on wanted to pick anything. Andrew takes it upon himself to make a decision and tells us that he wants to see the "butterflies and dinosaurs with Stephanie" at the Museum of Natural Science. Since he was the only one with an opinion, we did just that.

We all love the Butterfly Center there and had a nice time looking around. Andrew especially loved the tree frog and iguana today. We perused the dinosaur exhibit and the animal exhibit upstairs for a little bit. Come to think of it, I think the first time James and I went to the Butterfly Center was actually with Stephanie eons ago!!

Then, we headed to a sandwich shop nearby called PICNIC for some lunch before heading home to put Andrew down for a nap.

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