Thursday, April 7, 2011

Party on the Piazza

This evening, we attended Party on the Piazza at St. Luke's. It is a little bit of a fundraiser, but more so just a chance to have some fun with the St. Luke family. It's just an evening of good wholesome fun for the kids. And this year's theme was Italian obviously, which was really cute. We had speech therapy just beforehand so we met Daddy at school; and we happened to arrive almost simultaneously!

In the courtyard, Andrew enjoyed some activities such as pizza tossing (throwing felt pizza into pizza boxes and using Italian-related stamps to make a picture. Andrew also wanted to get his face painted and chose a green frog. Andrew played with Helen from class for a little bit while we all waited in line. And since the line for the face painting was rather long, I took Andrew to made an Italian flag from construction paper while Daddy waited in line to save some time. This worked out well because Andrew got to see his buddy Will at the table too.

After face painting, we went inside to eat some dinner--pasta and pizza. Afterwards, we enjoyed gelato for dessert! Delicious! By the time we finished eating, it was nearing closing time. So, we walked back outside to the courtyard and Andrew got to see some kids using a pasta machine to make Play Doh noodles. We waited for our turn, but didn't have much time. So, we just let Andrew crank the machine a little bit.

Then, we came home and got Andrew ready for bed. We all had a great time; and I really enjoy experiencing all the St. Luke's events throughout the year.

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