Friday, October 22, 2010

Twin Cities Day 1

Last night, we took a 7pm flight to Minneapolis/St. Paul (MSP) to visit the Baluseks. Jeff and Marta moved to the Wisconsin area about five years ago; and we had been wanting to go visit them ever since. We had originally planned our visit back in September, but Jeff ended up having a business trip to Japan the week before we were supposed to come. But we were able to reschedule for this weekend so no harm, no foul. I am just glad it all worked out because in the end, it allowed us to visit David and Dina in Dallas.

Anyhow, Andrew did wonderful on the plane ride. The entire week, he had been looking forward going to the airport and riding on the airplane. Andrew was very conscientious about wearing his seatbelt. He wanted to wear it even when we didn't have to. He looked out the window from the time we boarded the plane until he couldn't see anything outside the window. We had grabbed some muffins and a turkey wrap before we boarded (there wasn't many options by our gate) so Andrew ate quite a bit of his blueberry muffin and lots of my turkey. Afterwards, we read books and watched Mickey Mouse Choo Choo Express. And he was loving it when the flight attendants served us drinks (he ordered apple juice). He was too excited about the flight that he didn't fall asleep, which we had hoped for. But he was behaving very well that we weren't too concerned.

After we landed, Jeff picked us up and we drove to their house. Andrew was so exhausted and dozed off in the car. But when we arrived at the house, he woke up as I took him out of the car and didn't go back to sleep when I put him down where Jeff and Marta had put down a little palette for the weekend. He took a little while to fall back asleep. Then, I went back downstairs where Jeff, Marta, and James were talking and catching up. After a little while, we all headed for bed since we had to get some rest before the little ones woke up.

Andrew ended up waking up after 8am. We walked downstairs and introduced him to Ripley, age five, and Ender, age two. The kids watched some cartoons and played a little. Andrew was totally into their toys and had no problem making himself at home. Marta made us some yummy hashbrown casserole for breakfast. Then, we got ready and headed out to Teddy Bear Park in the Stillwater (Minnesota) area.

The park was beyond awesome! They had play structures in various shapes like a train, boat, and tree house. Andrew was so excited about the train and played on that the most. But he also enjoyed the other areas the park had to offer including a sandbox, rock formations, and a few teddy bear statutes. Ripley and Ender, who are old pros at this park had fun too. Ender mainly ran around and played in the sandbox. Ripley played on all the various play structures, but did try to do the monkey bars and also played in the sandbox with the boys.

After the park, we drove to a restaurant called Pier 500, which overlooked the St. Croix River. The kids colored and played cars and trains until our food arrived. After lunch, we walked down the street to Knoke's Chocolates for some ice cream. There wasn't much room in the store to eat so we decided to walk back to the river to eat our dessert there while enjoying the view, which was beautiful and very quaint. Then, it was time to head home for naps for the kids. Well, Ripley just has quiet time in her room where she plays or read books all by herself for an hour and a nap since she doesn't nap anymore. During this time, Marta and I ran to Target for some quick shopping. We had a fun time bonding over shopping, but had an unfortunate mishap when the price tag of a sweater hit Marta's eye when she was trying it on.

During naps and for the rest of the evening, we stayed in and just talked. One of the things I love best about our relationship with Jeff and Marta is that we can just talk about anything and laugh about everything--and we have the best time. It was like just old times where we would hang out and chill. As for the kids, they just played and watched television, but mainly played. And for dinner, Jeff cooked us a fabulous meal of bacon wrapped chicken.

We put the kids to bed and then a little while later, we all called it a night too so we could get some rest ourselves. I better get some shut eye myself; it's going to be another fun day tomorrow!

Here are some of the pictures from today, but the rest are on shutterfly.

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