Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happy 25th Month Birthday!

Another month has come and gone. Here is my rundown of what Andrew has been doing this past month.

In regards for playing, Andrew is really into train signal and tracks. He says "ning, ning, ning" for the railroad crossings. He also loves tents. Daddy is so good about making him tents out of blankets and pillows. As for favorite shows as of recent, Andrew has been watching Dora the Explorer's "Choo Choo" episode and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Choo Choo Express. He totally loves the Choo Choo Boogie song even making me play it several times consecutively in the car too!

Another sign that my baby is growing up is that he is great about playing by himself. He can just lay on the floor and play with his toys or playing on his train table. It has helped immensely when Mommy is trying to tidy up or cook dinner!! Eventually though, he will remember that he isn't alone and come ask us to play with him. I do find it very beneficial for him to have independent play and will just sit and watch him act out things. He does have a very good imagination and has gotten so good at pretending.

One other thing that Andrew is big into lately is coloring and drawing. We draw on paper, but usually more so on his Magna Doodle. He loves for me to draws trains (including the Houston Metro Rail) and other vehicles (buses, garbage trucks and cement mixers). I am definitely not the best artist by any stretch of the imagination, but I have definitely improved my skills. It's bound to happen when you draw a million or so trains a day!! Andrew gives me a lot of latitude too!! My drawing will remotely look like whatever it is supposed to be; and he will still give me credit. Thank goodness he has a good imagination!! He will also dictate that he wants a back (i.e., a tender) and a caboose. But Andrew will take his turn as an artist too. He loves to draw people in his vehicles. He is typically always drawn in as the driver. Mommy, Daddy, Papa and Ngoai are his usual passengers. He can also draw back to trains (as a scribble) and circles.

Andrew has been working on his alphabet and numbers. He counts to three now, but loves to say "two" when he sees a "match". He loves to point out matches or pairs. Usually it is two trains or two trucks, but sometimes it is two of the same color item. We have also been working on teaching him colors. He knows blue and red so far. For a while, everything was blue.

We have also been trying to teach Andrew relationships. The ones we work on most are Mommy's and Daddy's mommies and daddies. Sometimes, he gets the right answer, but sometimes he doesn't. At first, I would ask him "Who is Mama's Mama?" He would answer, "Mama." And the same for Daddy's Daddy. But how he will sometimes say the right person. He doesn't get brothers and sisters yet, but we will continue to work on it with him.

Andrew's speech hasn't progressed where we would like it, but we have definitely made progress! We have been going to speech therapy since mid-February {I plan to blog about this in greater detail later}. Andrew can say many more words, but we are so happy that he can say words comprised of different syllables, such as "uh oh", "metro", and "tunnel." Andrew is more willing to try to repeat sounds and words, so we know that his speech is only going to get better. We hope that we have reached the point where his speech will come together.

Andrew is big into routine, especially in the evening. He knows bath time follows dinner. Then, after bath, we get our pajamas on. Usually, Andrew will run to his room and open up his drawer to get his socks. Sometimes, he doesn't want to wear a certain pair and won't relent until he finds one he likes. Then, we play a little and read books. Sometimes, we mix it up if he wants to do puzzles or eat a night night snack. Then, when it's time for bed, we say prayers and he lays in his bed. Mommy and/or Daddy will then sit in the hallway until he falls asleep. He will usually come out a few times with stall tactics like giving kisses, hugs, and knuckles.

Routine can also be a bad thing especially when Andrew's memory can be pretty impressive when he wants it to be. A few times like after surgery or when he's sick, we have allowed him to watch a show while in our bed. And every now and then, he will lay down in our bed and ask us for a show (usually Dora the Explorer). He tends to think that if we let him do it once or twice, that means it is part of the routine versus a special exception. But thankfully, we can usually talk him out of it.

Something that we started recently is that right before bath time, we will try to get Andrew to sit on toilet and go pee. Usually, he will sit there for a little bit, then say he wants to stand. And then after a while, he gives up and is ready for bath. And more often times than not, the little punk will pee in the bath!! Hopefully, he will become more receptive and able to use the toilet.

And it's not anything new that Andrew can be manipulative at times, but we have seen pretty obvious attempts as of late. For example, if I am putting him to bed, he will cry for Daddy; but if Daddy is putting him to bed, he will cry for Mommy just to stall bed time!! He also does this with who takes him a bath. Or maybe he just likes to change his mind and keep us on our toes. Either way, he is still a little rascal!!

Drew's taste buds haven't changed much in the past month. He still loves his mac and cheese and pizza. He is really into lollipops especially after doctor appointments. He will say "pop" after every doctor we go to even if they don't offer any. But there is no fooling him in that our pediatrician's office and speech therapist both have stashes that he is allowed to partake in once we are done with our appointment. Drew is totally into taking his Flintstone gummy vitamins. Some mornings, he will walk up to the drawer grabbing the bottle and bringing it to me for me to open.

Andrew's been able to open the refrigerator for some time now (at least a few months), but now, he does it much more often and tries to get whatever he wants. He loves to grab his sippy cup of milk, but he also likes to grab his yogurt too. Then, there are times where he isn't reaching for something for him, but will just try to get whatever he feels like. Not fun!! He does the same for the pantry. He loves to get his snacks and sometimes, paper plates and bowls.

Drew is also getting much better about putting on and taking off his clothes. Taking off his pants isn't a problem (with the exception of his belt), but his shirt is a little more difficult with his arms. And speaking of his belt, to say that Andrew loves his new leather belt is putting it mildy. The kid wants to wear it everyday even if his pants fit and he doesn't need it. He also gives me a questioning look when there are no belt loops, but thankfully, he doesn't protest. Drew will stick out his hips and say "match" to Mommy's or Daddy's belt. He is so funny about it!!

Our little guy has definitely hit his terrible 2s. He will throw temper tantrums whenever the mood fancies him. Sometimes, it for something legit like when we don't let him do something he's not supposed to (climb on the table), but others, it is so trivial like his train went off the track (even though he knows how to fix it). But thankfully, they don't last too long. I will sometimes try to get him to stop crying by putting my pointer finger to my lips telling him to be quiet. I love it because he will do it too but still be crying. It's very endearing that he's trying.

But on the other side, we have also seen a more caring side of Andrew who always wants to make sure that everyone is taken care usually at the dining table. He wants everyone to have a plate, napkin, or food. He has even grabbed pizza out of the box and put it on whoever's plate that is empty. He is mostly concerned about Papa....Papa is always tended to first. It's very, very sweet; and this Mommy couldn't be happier to see my baby be so caring. But it's hard too because he doesn't understand why people wouldn't want him touching his food!!

Just a little funny anecdote about Andrew that's been happening this last month. For a while now, I will occasionally ask Andrew if he wants Mommy to have a baby or if he wants a baby in Mommy's tummy (since so many of our friends are expecting). Andrew at first said "no" all the time. But lately, he has been answering "yeah". Sweet!! But sometimes he gets smart ands says, "No. Drew. Back." as in for him to carry the baby on his back rather than Mommy in her tummy. A few times, he has retorted, "Daddy!" Only if Daddy could carry the baby! Wouldn't that be a sight!?

I leave you with a couple of pictures from today of Andrew on his Magna Doodle. Happy Birthday, my little boy! It's been another great month! And we can't wait for what is in store for us next! We love you so very much!

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